In the depths of my being, the unique connection with the other takes place; the mystery of the other is nothing but the mystery of myself, as Merleau-Ponty states. There is a room specifically designed to be acoustically isolated from the outside and devoid of any echo: the so-called “anechoic chamber.” When one enters this […]


The term “somatic” comes from the Greek word “soma,” which means “body,” and somatic practices focus on perceiving and understanding bodily intelligence. Instead of emphasizing only physical movement, these practices invite people to develop a deep awareness of the sensations, images, and thoughts that arise during the exploration of the body and movement. There is […]


On the last day of my second CS Retreat, I made this little drawing. I was amazed by the volume of both real and internal noises that had occupied my attention in the days spent in silence. I often pause to think about the literal meaning of a word and savor the paradox that emerges […]


For two and a half years, I have immersed myself in the sea of contact improvisation.I have been surprised by how much it has helped me work on relationships, primarily with myself.In the flow of contact, I have discovered parts of myself that no other practice or therapy had allowed me to know.I have reconnected […]

Don’t ask me that question – Linda Bufali

Recently a girl at the end of one of my intensives asked me if she could interview me for the creation of a podcast. Due to lack of time, we decided that she would ask me the first question and I would answer her with a voice message. After a couple of days I get the question, […]

Tracing Movement: An Artistic Journey in Contact Improvisation – Giulia Ravarotto

La mia esperienza come disegnatrice nei contesti di contact improvisation nasce appena vengo in contatto con la pratica nello spazio della jam. La jam, cuore della pratica, spazio vuoto dal quale emerge naturalmente quello che è presente; uno spazio in continua trasformazione aperto e contenuto, co- creato in ascolto.   Riconosco in quanto danzatrice di […]

Whispers of Air: A Dance in Earth’s Embrace – Nina Radovanovic

Whispers of Air: A Dance in Earth’s Embrace  In the stillness of movement, a delicate choreography unfolds—a dance woven between breath and touch. Here, we surrender to the rhythm of our breath. Each inhalation becomes a gentle ascent, a whisper lifting us into unseen currents of possibility. In the exhale, solace is found, sinking gracefully […]

Dancing from a place of stillness- Priscilla Pizziol

Dancing from a place of stillness   from here,  still breathing  still changing  still decomposing      from here,  still  and still from here.    offering my form to the geometric thought of light, allowing my volumes to embody echos of matter,   I unthread    tracing soft signs through the air, sowing breaths, gathering […]

Living the void – Elisa Ghion

Verbal exchange shapes our dialogical relationship, giving shape to the silences that intersperse words. Silence can therefore be considered a relational place in which we are in the absence of clear references and shared meaning. For this, for many people being silent is difficult and creates a sense of disorientation from which they try to get […]