HONOR THIS SILENCE – Caterina Mocciola

After months of body silence, I found myself in a slow awakening of sensations, movements, relationships … I realized that there is a lot of energy, partly dictated by the enthusiasm of starting over, of throwing back, of rediscovering.It is my desire to honor this silence, during which the body has had the opportunity to […]

BODY MATTERS – Georgia Petrali

During this “new era of our global pandemic”, I do feel that the essentials of contact improvisation seem to be more relevant than ever. In times where the core of nature and humanity are falling apart, our senses need to dive even deeper into the origins of our own existence, so that we can face […]


Part of the learning process for me is taking ideas/thoughts/nuggets/movements/pathways that I have gathered from teachers I have met along the way and modifying them, putting them in different contexts, doing them (in)correctly.  Even though I have only taken a few classes from Daniel Lepkoff, I find his text Contact Improvisation: A Question to be quite […]


“Now we will count to twelve and we will all keep still for once on the face of the earth, let’s not speak in any language; let’s stop for a second, and not move our arms so much. It would be an exotic moment without rush, without engines; we would all be together in a […]

LEAF JAM – Angela Mara Florant

Finding pleasure in every movement.Connecting with the season.Harvesting thoughts,Inspirations.Moments of silence.Focused spaces where we dance.Moving from the insideTo the outside.I don’t know the next stepI trust that my body knowsIt has its own wisdom.Leaves dancing.Falling from their branches.Spinning, twirling,Spiraling in the wind.Angela-Mara Florant„The unknown becomes a friend, absurdity is worn well, fear is gently smiled […]


I think of silence as a way to reset the “doing / listening” system, to find a balance between action and reception. Our nervous system finds it very difficult to allow these two directions to coexist and it tends to lose its balance towards an excess of activity, losing the ability to register internal or […]

AUTUMN RETREAT – Alessandro Papalini

In the transition from retreat to ordinary life, a sense of loss often arises and we wonder why what we have been with does not persist. It is not difficult to find explanations for yourself but perhaps it is more important to stop and look better if the movement is truly dissolved.A friend gave me […]


I am happy to participate in this retreat, especially at a time like this, where the compasses have completely gone mad and the directions are uncertain.I am immersed in this observation of what maps can be to follow, accustomed as we are to being alone with what is full and visibly recognizable, now saturated with […]

ECHOES – Marta Iucci

« Once a Zen Master asked a disciple: ‘Have you seen the snow leopard?”No’, replied the disciple.’Isn’t it wonderful?’ The Master asked him.from «Silence is a living thing» by Chandra Livia CandianiFinding ourselves after these months of – reflections, thoughts, amplified uncertainties, intimate discoveries and unexpected surprises, unknown and powerful emotions – with an encounter […]