E=mc2 – Anna Da Pozzo

E = mc 2
Did Einstein dance contact?

Today at school I explained this wonderful scientific revolution condensed into a formula.
When the time comes for this topic my eyes shine and my enthusiasm infects the students… and then… I am tempted… and if I would put it in the suitcase for the Contact Silence Retreat?

I think about it for a while and then it seems to me that makes sense: energy, matter, movement, light… the wonderful formula also contains our dancing universe.

Our bodies ARE energy in never ending
transformation, and all forms of energy follow one another in our dances: the heat of the bodies
intertwined with the light of the gazes, the magnetic attraction of certain dances, the macroscopic movement of the bodies and the microscopic one of every single cell …

And the SILENCE? Where do I put silence in this
unlikely image that came out of the mind of one prof who can’t wait to dance?
Well, silence is the nuclear energy stored in atoms, silent and powerful, dangerous if bad used …. it is the elastic energy of a spring, firm but ready to jump far away, it is the potential energy of the still water of a high altitude glacier that will turn into an impetuous torrent … it is the electrical energy that will illuminate the darkness at the click of a switch…

We will transform silence into dance and dance into silence…. experimenting all possible combinations as in a continuous game of energies conversion.

In short, yes, it’s decided! Einstein comes with me toContact Silence Retreat.

E=mc 2
Anche Einstein danzava la contact?

Oggi a scuola ho spiegato questa meravigliosa rivoluzione scientifica condensata in una formula.
Quando arriva il tempo per questo argomento i miei occhi brillano e il mio entusiasmo contagia gli studenti…e allora…mi viene la tentazione…e se lo mettessi anche nella valigia per il Contact
Silence Retreat?

Ci penso un po’ su e poi mi sembra che non faccia una piega: energia, materia, movimento,

luce…la meravigliosa formula racchiude anche il nostro universo danzante.
I nostri corpi SONO energia in perpetua trasformazione, e tutte le forme dell’energia si susseguono nelle nostre danze: il calore dei corpi intrecciato alla luce degli sguardi, l’attrazione magnetica di certe danze, il movimento macroscopico dei corpi e quello microscopico di ogni singola cellula…

E il SILENZIO? Dove lo metto il silenzio in questo improbabile parallelo uscito dalla mente di una
prof che non vede l’ora di danzare?
Beh, il silenzio è l’energia nucleare custodita negli atomi, silente e potente, pericolosa se male
impiegata….è l’energia elastica di una molla, ferma ma pronta a saltare lontano, è l’energia
potenziale dell’acqua immobile di un ghiacciaio di alta quota che si trasformerà in torrente
impetuoso…è l’energia elettrica accumulata che al clic di un interruttore illuminerà il buio…
Trasformeremo silenzio in danza e danza in silenzio…. sperimentandone tutte le possibili
combinazioni come in un continuo gioco di trasformazione di energie.

Insomma si, è deciso! Einstein viene con me al Contact Silence Retreat.

Living the void – Elisa Ghion

Verbal exchange shapes our dialogical relationship, giving shape to the silences that intersperse words. Silence can therefore be considered a relational place in which we are

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Linus and Emelie

Linus and Emelie are two professional musicians and sound healing practitioners fromSweden.Emelie has been studying classical percussion and chamber music at Örebrouniversity in Sweden and

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Circle – Nayeli Špela

A circle is a place where our dance continues and we witness each other through another chanell.  We still improvise and we also allow ourselves

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Beginner’s Mind – Lior Ophir

“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, in the expert’s mind there are few” Shunryu Suzuki Towards the upcoming autumn contact silence retreat I

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Who moves who? – Roberto Bellatalla

https://www.contactsilence.it/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Gana-Bellatalla-Duo-VICINO-LONTANO-2022-II.mp4 Between lines, points, spirals, an invisible thread holds bodies and ropes together, like the grass that grows in the interstices, new forms are generated,

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Polarità – Elisa Ghion

In this period I am particularly interested in observing how polarities interact with each other. Thepresence of one makes the presence of the other vivid.

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E=mc2 – Anna Da Pozzo

E = mc 2Did Einstein dance contact? Today at school I explained this wonderful scientific revolution condensed into a formula.When the time comes for this

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LEAF JAM – Angela Mara Florant

Finding pleasure in every movement.Connecting with the season.Harvesting thoughts,Inspirations.Moments of silence.Focused spaces where we dance.Moving from the insideTo the outside.I don’t know the next stepI

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ECHOES – Marta Iucci

« Once a Zen Master asked a disciple: ‘Have you seen the snow leopard?”No’, replied the disciple.’Isn’t it wonderful?’ The Master asked him.from «Silence is

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6 – 10  April 2023

Gaia Terra, Flambruzzo, Udine

31 Agosto – 4 Settembre 2023

Monterosi, Anghiari, Arezzo

29 October – 2 November 2023

Gaia Terra, Flambruzzo, Udine



CONTACT SILENCE retreats is a social promotion project of LIBERA MENTE APS association

We firmly believe that contact improvisation holds great potential on a social and communicative level and carries within it an unequivocal educational message. In addition to being the vanguard of the natural and authentic movement, it teaches respect for one’s body and the other, nourishing the fundamental need of the human being to physical contact, gives joy and well-being to those who practice it, reconnects man to his creativity and the primordial dimension of the game.