What I have learned in the last 15 years of my life, thanks to Contact Improvisation and Meditation practices, seem to be the gem that serve me to survive today — these precarious contemporary times.
What I can coin from the embodiment of these philosophies for my humble survival is primarily “staying with the trouble” …
… trusting the unknown
… trusting the ground
… trusting the space
… trusting my center
… trusting my senses
… trusting my imagination
… trusting my memory …
… and then letting go of all that trusting!
Surrendering to the “suffering”, more so enjoying the suffering. Orienting in the disorientation. Passing through Earth… Crossing Time and Space… and Bodies!?
Yesterday, when dance was not allowed to be shared between bodies in the same physical space, I held my “small dance”! My suspended body found safety in gravity’s holding… My sensations could only resonate with the memories of other bodies… My skin could only imagine the warmth, depth and invitation of a variety of touch… Many questions danced in my bodymind… I listened to the silences in between.
Today, when there is a little opening in front of us —the borders of beloved Italy are now permeable— I still listen to the silence. I hang in the gap. I feel gravity through me, I feel my heart getting bigger and bigger… My big heart within my small dance is beating fast! I listen to it’s wings flapping… Waiting for the little opening to widen so that I can roll out of my pupa and fly over one of your shoulders soon! Maybe?!
I am patient… yet excited! Imagining the future… Imagining learning what Contact is, learning what Improvisation is… learning what Silence is about to tell us then and there… Beginning anew… as we re-find and refine our collective space and troublesome encounters… Joyfully serious, seriously joyful,