Of all the different things I have done in my life so far Contact has probably ignited my playfulness more than anything else. There is just something inherently playful for me about rolling around, climbing on and entering in communication about CI.
Playfulness has a lot to do with freedom, freedom from the more boring parts of us!!
Sometimes however CI can take a rather serious tone to it, playfulness unfortunately isn’t considered a “professional” quality to many. That’s why I’m writing this post. To remind us that ultimately we just want to play and that play isn’t something that comes after “work” but is something that which makes our work more enjoyable and rewarding and let me say… innovative and original. Sounds like we could apply this to everything right? Right but let’s go back to Contact.
Since contact has an inherent potential for playfulness it would be a pity to ignore this in my opinion.
Contact, even though bares “contact” in it’s name is a great container for our whole selves to show up. To be in “contact” we need to be able to relate to others in a open way without touching too. Our exchanges can be very intense. The space becomes another partner, our senses becomes heightened.
It is this “touchless” contemplative and playful explorations I wish to offer in the sessions between the 5th and 9th of September at Anghiari.
What makes CI playful for you?